ENG ITA photos by Paolo Busato
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  Back to complete Catalogue - Artistic ceramics - Centrotavola

P.S. Our goods are all hand-crafted therefore there are usually small differences between one piece and another. In particular, for the ceramic and the cutlery, the subjects and the colours of materials may vary slightly and have different nuances from those shown in the pictures on this website.

96676 AP 13691 KE     add to chart
Conca centrotavola, decoro Frutta app...

Price:125,00 €

83578 IC 09911 KE     add to chart
Centrotavola a gondola baccellato con...

Price:440,00 €

82086 IC 32124 KE     add to chart
Conca centrotavola tonda alta, decoro...

Price:350,00 €

72105 IA 15083 KE     add to chart
Zuppiera centrotavola con coperchio e...

Price:300,00 €


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